Attracting people to engage in Hypnosis, Mind Control, and Kinks of all flavors

There are a lot of people out there and how to meet people to work with is a common question. When talking with them, the goal for me is to learn about who I am talking with and is important to this person. To do this in a way that is not formulaic I like to make it a conversational game. I'm sure just about everyone has heard the question about being stuck on a desert island. Then the isolation questions come to make this more engaging. Questions like:

What would be one item you would take, and what one person would you be happiest to be stranded with?

Why that item and person?

If I enjoy my conversation and find we have a lot in common I like to tell them what I do. I always like to keep the conversation interesting by bringing the focus back to the person I'm talking with. My book META DATA DATA StartFragment, The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers, gets more into these questions that frame the big picture. Creating the frames for the big picture in focus at any moment, allows us to create interactions and engagements wherever we are. I recently used this frame game at a party where everyone was drinking and the crowd around me got sucked into asking these questions and answering themEndFragment

You wake up in a room where the walls are mirrored and the floor and ceiling is soft white light.

What's the first thing you do and why?

A voice comes over a speaker and asks who you really are. Not the person you introduce to the world, but who are you really?

Now this voice says you will answer only a few more questions. Then you will get to ask me only three questions before we begin.

My questions might be something like this.

If you could not ever go back to your life again, who would you be and what would you do? What's important about doing that?

The reason you are in this room is not an accident. Tell why you are here.

If you realized now that someone could reshape your experience from this moment on, what would you be doing? How would life be different?

I tell them that now it is their turn to ask questions. They get only three. At this point you begin to create a story that may or may not be about you.

When finally done you can tell them that this was an exercise you learned to engage collective imagination and collaboration. If they were able to now tell a story from their interactions they were with someone who could be a cognitive collaborator with them.

How do you set the frame and get to know the people around you? Tell people what you do and what you like can be a opening for a conversation. Getting better at talking means you'll be meeting people who want to experience what you have to offer. Live life with passion and plan to keep passions in your schedule. I live a life that is multifaceted and I'm happy to find good people everywhere. Be open and willing to talk. You will find people thirsty for connection in this digitally connected world of ours. The connections many people get through their days isn't what recharges them and offers them encouragement to reach for more. You can be that encouragement. People are seeking the experiences we crave to provide every where we go. Find and create opportunities to live well.

Joseph Crown


Be sure to check out my website and enter into this month's essay contest to win a y book META DATA DATA StartFragment, The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers.
