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Is your cause working along side MIT Media Lab to showcase peaceful and civil disobedience today?

MIT announced the creation of a $250K cash prize award for responsible disobedience. "This idea came after a realization that there’s a widespread frustration from people trying to figure out how can we effectively harness responsible, ethical disobedience aimed at challenging our norms, rules, or laws to benefit society." So I have to ask you again. What would you do to promote responsible resistance and make a beneficial change our world today?

The MIT Media Lab Disobedience Award seeks to highlight effective, responsible, ethical disobedience across disciplines (scientific research, civil rights, freedom of speech, human rights, and the freedom to innovate, for example). This is a great opportunity for all of us to work together to create a better world, and a better life.


Joseph W Crown

Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at Paperback Version

Seek with your passion, and seek with your spirit. We are all unknowing seekers that brings with us stories that has described the past. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear. Subscribers of The Tao of The Crown, will be randomly offered goodies not released to the public. Have you signed up?


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